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Rates & Services

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$80 for a one hour session

$120 for a one and 1/2 hour session

*a session includes one or a combination of any of the following specialties listed below. A plan of therapy will be discussed before the session begins. (FL License# MA74941)

Specialties Offered:

Upledger CranioSacral Therapy CST is a light touch therapy, for infants to seniors, that evaluates and enhances the functioning of the central nervous system. By relieving restrictions in the fascia and membranes of the central nervous system, cerebrospinal fluid can flow more evenly throughout the brain and spinal column which aids in it’s cleansing and nourishment. Also, by following the body’s subtle rhythms in the fascia, muscles, organs, cells, and other tissues, restrictions are detected and released throughout the whole body. This release increases blood and lymph flow which aids the body in it’s ability to self correct. CranioSacral Therapy has been researched and documented to help: Autism, Anxiety, Alzheimer’s, TMJ Disorder, Migraines, Chronic Neck, Back and Hip Pain, Leg, Arm and Shoulder Pain, Fibromyalgia, Accident/Trauma Disorders (including PTSD), Post-surgical problems, Scoliosis, Learning Disabilities, and other medical issues and pain syndromes.

SomatoEmotional Release a branch of CranioSacral Therapy created by Dr. John Upledger that addresses trauma recovery and regional tissue release. When we experience a trauma- whether physical, emotional or psychological, we may retain memory from the experience in our tissue. Many times a blockage of excess energy from the force of the trauma gets lodged in our dense tissue causing dysfunction. SER addresses the therapeutic release of trauma in the body in a safe way. Therapeutic Imagery and Dialoguing may be included in the session if the body calls for it and the client is comfortable with it.

Orthopedic/Medical Massage a precise massage for a specific condition or area of the body, sometimes prescribed by a doctor, that incorporates varying degrees of pressure.

Neuromuscular/Trigger Point Therapy therapist works attachment points of the muscle along with painful points or “knots” that may refer pain to other areas of the body. Deep breathing and gradual increase in pressure helps relieve tension with as little pain as possible.

Myofascial Release technique includes a slow pushing and pulling of soft tissue with some body positioning changes to releases restriction in the fascia and muscles fibers. Great technique for chronic pain syndromes like Fibromyalgia.

Swedish/Relaxation Massage traditional massage for stress reduction, increased circulation, improved immune system function, better flexibility and overall muscle care.

Pregnancy Massage much needed relaxation and pain relief for the expecting mother.

Aromatherapy Massage various types of massage using doTERRA therapeutic grade essential oils to assist body in it’s self-healing process.

Wellness Consultationa thorough one on one consulting session to look at your current health regiment, set or review goals for pain reduction and wellness, sift through resources and information that may help you reach your goals, develop a plan of action to move forward towards a healthier, happier you.

On-Site Chair Massageseated massage for businesses, offices, conventions, health fairs. (special pricing for this service)

Insurance Cases the client will pay in full at time of service and will be given a superbill with all therapy codes. The CLIENT will then submit to their insurance provider.

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