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Self Discovery: my perspective

self discoveryLike all of us, I am on a journey of self discovery. I have been to retreats, lectures, classes, discussion groups, 12 step meetings, therapists, churches, ashrams, drum circles. I’ve read books, articles, blogs, oracle cards, tea leaves, runes, I Ching, the Bible. I’ve spent time in the woods, in the mountains, at the ocean, on different planes of existence.

I have found much guidance, many answers and love. I feel serene and peaceful most of the time. The search for God, truth and enlightenment is a necessary, rewarding one. I don’t feel the journey will ever stop. I believe my life purpose is to observe, listen, learn and be of service when I can.

A lot of the time I need my surroundings to remind me what I already know. However, I have come to realize that the information about myself is already within me- in the core essence/inner wisdom of my being. How do I access that? Keep it simple: believe I can, breathe, ask, and then listen.

I live in the present moment as much as I can. This is the only moment we truly have. Whatever I am experiencing, I try be aware of it to the fullest. Whether it’s sadness, joy, peace, fear, guilt, ecstasy, overwhelm. I have learned from the ocean that emotions need to crash in, be experienced and then flow back out to sea. Another wave will be coming soon.

I watch and listen to children, animals and nature. They are innocent, pure, unfiltered beings that have many lessons to teach. My own inner child plays with all of this and loves to learn. In order to do this, I ask my judgement, analyzing brain and mind chatter to “take a little break” for awhile.

I smile and interact with all people. I accept that every experience is a lesson for me: the pleasant ones and the challenging. Forgiveness, patience and perseverance are the hardest virtues to remember I have. They are there in my essence; most of the time they are at the surface ready to be picked up, but sometimes I bury them with unnecessary stuff and they are hard to reach. But they are all there, all the time.

I listen to my body. It speaks to me constantly in it’s own dialect. Pain, twitches, cramps, vibration, numbness, electrical impulses, tingling, cold and heat. It tells me it’s needs and likes. I honor it and adjust my actions and thoughts accordingly. In return, it keeps me alive and able to do all the wonderful things I want to do in this world. Thank you!

My life path is to help others to listen to their inner wisdom (God) and their body with the help of CranioSacral Therapy and Energy Medicine. I love what I do. I love myself. I love my life. I love this Earth and it’s inhabitants. Love is the ultimate connector and healer.

When I watched this video again today, I wept. This little angel teaches us a simple truth in a few minutes: To try to stay “on the middle where my heart is”. From the mouths of babes!

Blessings to all,

Trisha Schmalhofer, CranioSacral Therapist, Massage Therapist and Medical Intuitive

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