Improving Fertility with Craniosacral Therapy

FertilityHaving a baby is a very exciting time in a person’s life. However, sometimes there is difficulty conceiving. An article in Massage Magazine states “While there are many reasons a woman might have difficulty becoming pregnant, one reason has to do with stress levels and hormones in the future mother’s body”.

CranioSacral Therapy is a therapy that can treat many different disorders. In the simplest terms, CST reduces stress and balances the body. A health clinic in Israel is using CranioSacral Therapy to treat couples with fertility problems states specifically “…(CST) focuses on releasing physical stresses and tensions or lesions in the layer of tissue called fascia which surrounds all of your organs and your nervous system. These tensions can reduce the effectiveness of your nerves – which are the main channel for passing information around your body. Fascial restrictions can also affect the hormonal system which is of central importance to the timing and maintenance of a pregnancy. As fascia also surrounds internal organs, including the womb, tensions here can reduce their function or ability to heal or adapt to the changes that occur during pregnancy.

CranioSacral Therapy can help the female or male with fertility problems. The average recommended number of sessions is 6-8, weekly or biweekly. More sessions may be needed depending on a person’s case history. A treatment plan will be established between you and your CranioSacral therapist after the initial consultation.

Trisha Schmalhofer, LMT and CranioSacral Therapist

Relief for Fibromyalgia can be found with Massage and CranioSacral therapy

Fibromyalgia Tender Points

Fibromyalgia Tender Points

Fibromyalgia patients have described their symptoms as living with one foot in life and one foot out of life.

“Fibromyalgia is associated with widespread chronic pain, tender response to pressure in joints, muscles, and soft tissue.  It is also associated with chronic sleep disturbance, fatigue, brain fog, immune dysfunction, depression and anxiety, restless leg syndrome, headaches, which can become as severe as migraines, and mood changes”

Web MD states “While there is no clear consensus about what causes fibromyalgia, most researchers believe fibromyalgia results not from a single event but from a combination of many physical and emotional stressors.” Pain relief and stress reduction seem to be keys to relief for those suffering from this disorder.

According to an article from Stillwater Community Connection, light Swedish Massage and CranioSacral Therapy are 2 techiniques that can do just that. “Massage Therapy is one of the oldest methods of healthcare still in practice.  A common practice is to improve blood circulation in the muscles, which increases the flow of nutrients and eliminates waste products.  This is particularly beneficial for those with fibromyalgia as it can reduce your heart rate, relax your muscles, improve range of motion in your joints, and increase production of your body’s natural painkillers.”

CranioSacral Therapy “has also been shown, through research, to be effective at addressing fibromyalgia symtoms.  CST is a gentle method of evaluating and enhancing the body’s craniosacral system, which comprises of the cerebrospinal fluid and the membranes that surround and protect the spinal cord and brain. This can lead to a reduction of widespread pain, decrease of chronic fatigue, and improvement to emotional states and reduction of stress.

Trisha Schmalhofer, LMT and CranioSacral Therapist

What is Integrative Medicine?

integrative medicine wheelIntegrative Medicine is a buzzword that’s been building over years. “Integrate” means to bring together into the whole, to unite or combine. The University of New Mexico’s Center for Life says that “Integrative medicine is a healing-oriented practice that takes account of the whole person – mind, body, and spirit. It emphasizes the therapeutic relationship and makes use of all appropriate therapies, both conventional and complementary. Services for therapeutic approaches to cancer, menopause, diabetes, hypertension, weight and more include:

  • Integrative Medicine Consultations
  • Integrative Primary Care
  • Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine
  • Chiropractic Medicine
  • Nutritional Counseling
  • Massage therapy, including, Oncology, Pregnancy, Hot Stone, Swedish, Reflexology Head/Scalp & Neck, Craniosacral, Sports, Deep Tissue, Therapeutic, Visceral/Neuro and others
  • Energy Medicine
  • Curanderas, Native Healers and other Spiritual Healers”

There is much research in complementary and integrative health and preventive medicine. This branch of medicine addresses lifestyle, nutrition, wellness, spirituality and stress management.

Trisha Schmalhofer, LMT and CranioSacral Therapist