Why we should meditate- a video with a message of hope

This gem of a video takes about 25 minutes of your time to watch yet the message is powerful. Whatever your belief system, it has something that should speak to you. I especially love the segments about the power of the electromagnetic field of the human heart. Enjoy! Trisha

An integrative approach to palliative care

palliativeMedical clinics are opening up world wide with a new plan- interdisciplinary, integrative care. These medical establishments include once shunned alternative therapies that have a multitude of research backing up their benefits. Some of these clinics focus on palliative care which is explained by WebMD as “beginning as soon as a patient is diagnosed with a serious illness, at the same time they continue to pursue a cure. Palliative care does not signal that a person has given up hope for a recovery.

Some patients recover and move out of palliative care. Others with chronic diseases, such as COPD, may move in and out of palliative care as the need arises. If cure of a life-threatening disease proves elusive, palliative care can improve the quality of patients’ lives. And when death draws near, palliative care can segue into hospice care.

Typically, a palliative care team includes a physician, nurse, and social worker.  However, it often involves a chaplain, psychologist or psychiatrist, physical or occupational therapist, dietitian, and others, depending on the patient’s needs.” WebMD also explains that “palliative care is genuinely patient-centered, meaning: We ask the patient what’s important to them and what their major priorities are. Based on what the patients or the family tell us, we then develop a care plan and a strategy that meets the patient’s goals and values.”

One such clinic is a new pediatric pain, palliative and integrative medical clinic in Minneapolis that’s the first of its kind in the world. It provides both medication and integrative, non-pharmaceutical therapies to children and teenagers. The clinic’s interdisciplinary clinical team offers biofeedback, group therapy, physical therapy, massage, aroma therapy and acupuncture. Already one of the largest programs in the country, the new clinic has the space and staffing to double its prior capacity to 5,000 annual clinic visits which will reduce waiting lists of patients.

It sounds like the medical field may be shifting to a more holistic approach- one clinic at a time.

Trisha Schmalhofer, LMT and CranioSacral Therapist